Chief Judge Stephen George gave an excellent presentation on relocation at the AAML/LBA seminar last week,” Fenwick, Dead or Alive?” We have made an editorial decision, though, not to report on judges’ comments on this blog. The ABA Family Law Advocate features relocation as the subject of its most recent edition and contains a good bibliography. Bill Hoge pointed out that you don’t have to be an ABA member to subscribe to the Advocate.

Chief Judge Stephen George gave an excellent presentation on relocation at the AAML/LBA seminar last week,” Fenwick, Dead or Alive?” We have made an editorial decision, though, not to report on judges’ comments on this blog. The ABA Family Law Advocate features relocation as the subject of its most recent edition and contains a good bibliography. Bill Hoge pointed out that you don’t have to be an ABA member to subscribe to the Advocate. Having no respect for Derby, the ABA Family Law Section at their Spring meeting next week in Washington, DC, will have a 2 1/2 hour plenary presentation on relocation on Thursday May 4, 2006 at 9:45 am. The speakers will include Judge Sundt of Rockville, Maryland, Professor Jeff Atkinson of Chicago, Attorneys Mary Jo Curley and Kathryn Murphy, both from Texas, Mary Connell, EdD. of Fort Worth and Jan DeLipsey from Dallas, Texas. It remains a hot issue in family law.