
The mindmapping tool is discussed, and a link provided to a demo, in Online Mediation. Denver’s Steve Harhai presented mindmapping at a LBA/AAML seminar a few years ago.The possibilities of mapping case information and issues are endless, and at the time I thought it was something we should explore. Sorry to say, other new, cool matters intervened, but it does seem particicularly well suited to the mediation arena. I would love for some geeky mediatior to try it in a case locally.

The mindmapping tool is discussed, and a link provided to a demo, in Online Mediation. Denver’s Steve Harhai presented mindmapping at a LBA/AAML seminar a few years ago.The possibilities of mapping case information and issues are endless, and at the time I thought it was something we should explore. Sorry to say, other new, cool matters intervened, but it does seem particicularly well suited to the mediation arena. I would love for some geeky mediatior to try it in a case locally. Know any geeky mediators?