Kentucky Supreme Court Rules Same-Sex Mom Cannot Be Defacto Custodian Because She Was Not Primary Caregiver Under KY Statute

The same-sex custody case decided by the Kentucky Supreme Court is front page, headline news in the Courier-Journal. The Court of Appeals decision in B.F. v. T.D was digested here, and we will post yesterday’s Supreme Court Opinion and a digest of it shortly.

The same-sex custody case decided by the Kentucky Supreme Court is front page, headline news in the Courier-Journal. The Court of Appeals decision in B.F. v. T.D was digested here, and we will post yesterday’s Supreme Court Opinion and a digest of it shortly.

Update: Here is the linked 7-0 Opinion of the Court by Chief Justice Lambert in B.F. v. T.D., 2005 SC 000557-DG.

Update: Brief for Appellant, Brief for Appellee, and Appellant’s Reply Brief.

Update: I have decided not to digest this case just yet. It is not final. It is a short opinion that has been digested many other places on the web. You can read the opinion at the link above. The facts have already been posted here. I will wait to follow all the discussion and any motions that may be filed, and then we’ll talk about what it means not only for same-sex parents, but grandparents and others who consider themselves to be defacto parents.