Military Divorce

Mark Sullivan advises us, “You can now read, review, download all the materials in the most recent Legal Assistance Course given at The Army JAG School in Charlottesville by going to Legal Assistance.” Click TJAGLCS Publications, then Legal Assistance and select May ’06 course book.

Mark Sullivan advises us, “You can now read, review, download all the materials in the most recent Legal Assistance Course given at The Army JAG School in Charlottesville by going to Legal Assistance.” Click TJAGLCS Publications, then Legal Assistance and select May ’06 course book.
“Good materials on custody jurisdiction, military family care plans, current regulations on nonsupport of the various branches of service, Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), child support guidelines [by Laura Morgan ** !!], divorce jurisdiction and the military client, survivor benefits, UIFSA the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act, and divorce taxation. All FREE and open to the public!”
Mark is the author of a newly released book on Military Divorce, available through the ABA.