A Labor Of Love, For The Profession

A Labor of Love sounds a little corny, but those who have been in law for a long time know what it means and it guides much of what we do in the profession of law.

A Labor of Love sounds a little corny, but those who have been in law for a long time know what it means and it guides much of what we do in the profession of law.
Bar Briefs, a monthly publication of the Louisville bar Association and not available online (yet?) has this as its title for the front page interview with our new president, Tom Williams. The Kentucky Bar Association is the only required membership of Kentucky attorneys, yet the LBA claims an 80% voluntary participation rate, much higher than the 50% norm of voluntary bar associations across the country. Its leadership has made all the difference, and all for a labor of love.
The words rang particularly true to me, as I recently received a beautiful handwritten letter from retired Judge Richard A. Revell, former Chief Judge of the Jefferson Circuit Family Court. We are working on the annual domestic relations update seminar as well as the 2007 update to Kentucky Divorce, a West-Thomson treatise. He said that Alan T. Slyn (the original co-author whose updates I am assuming) always said that updating the book was “a labor of love, for the profession.” It went straight to my heart; I know exactly what he meant. It is why we have quality legal weblogs, isn’t it? Blogs are just a high tech medium of what fine lawyers have been doing for centuries, as a labor of love.
Good luck and best wishes to Tom Williams; your heart is in the right place and you will leave a good legacy, I am sure.