Kicking Off Our Next Decade With Cutting Edge Topics

The Kentucky Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers is hosting its 10th annual seminar April 19-April 20, 2007 in Louisville. Highlights this year include:
Prof. Mary M. Beck, Missouri University Law School presenting “Fathers’ Registries – Why Every State Needs One” and “Putative Fathers or Pop Up Pops” and David H. Levy, “Use and Abuse of Trusts and Other Financial Devices – A Perspective from Both Sides.”

The Kentucky Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers is hosting its 10th annual seminar April 19-April 20, 2007 in Louisville. Highlights this year include:
Prof. Mary M. Beck, Missouri University Law School presenting “Fathers’ Registries – Why Every State Needs One” and “Putative Fathers or Pop Up Pops” and David H. Levy, “Use and Abuse of Trusts and Other Financial Devices – A Perspective from Both Sides.”
Prof. Beck works with legislators in multiple states and Congress to develop state and national adoption laws, and David H. Levy of Berger Schattz in Chicago is a prolific author and speaker in matters of divorce law. His presentation will include what we need to know about off-shore trusts.
Save the date. You’ll soon be hearing more about others on this outstanding faculty.