Highlights From Other Divorce and Family Law Blogs

There are many family law blogs on the net, some aimed at attorneys and several written for potential clients. I read the ones which have RSS feed to which I can subscribe and the ones that are not self-promotional. Here are some I would like to share with you, with recent posts:
Florida Divorce Law Blog by Janet Langjahr, Boca Raton.
NY Allows the King Solomon Approach to Dividing the House

There are many family law blogs on the net, some aimed at attorneys and several written for potential clients. I read the ones which have RSS feed to which I can subscribe and the ones that are not self-promotional. Here are some I would like to share with you, with recent posts:
Florida Divorce Law Blog by Janet Langjahr, Boca Raton.
NY Allows the King Solomon Approach to Dividing the House
MI: One Dad Per Kid, Please
International Family Law by Jeremy Morley, New York.
New article on Japan and International Child Abduction
Kansas Family and Divorce Lawyer by Grant D. Griffins, Clay Center, Kansas
Family Watchdog, Finding Sex Offenders
New York Divorce Report by Daniel Clement, New York City
Marital Agreements Will Be Enforced Even If One Spouse Failed to Require Full Compliance in the Past
Oklahoma Family Law Blog by Dan Nunley, Tulsa
Dogs Neglected After Owners Divorce
South Carolina Family Law Blog by Ben Stevens, Spartanburg
Videoconferencing Approved for Use in Family Court
Family Law Prof Blog by Barbara Glesner Fines and Nancy Ver Steegh
Mother Awarded $15 Million
Teaching Resources: Teaching Empathy for Victims of Domestic Violence
Updates in Michigan Family Law by Jeanne Hannah, Traverse City
Can you spell adultery?
There are many others and I am well overdue in expressing my gratitude for the information they provide and for the news I would otherwise miss. Thanks.