Law Firms Pitch Themselves As the Divorced Guy’s Guys by Ann Carrens last week at The Wall Street Journal reports on the trend of law firms selling themselves as “father’s rights” lawyers and the Cordell & Cordell firm in particular. We have none (yet) in Louisville.
Law Firms Pitch Themselves As the Divorced Guy’s Guys by Ann Carrens last week at The Wall Street Journal reports on the trend of law firms selling themselves as “father’s rights” lawyers and the Cordell & Cordell firm in particular. We have none (yet) in Louisville. A quote that was much applauded on the ABA Family Law Section listserve:
Randy Kessler, an Atlanta family lawyer who has faced Cordell lawyers, says the firm’s reputation could work against clients over time by making judges skeptical of its arguments: “It is much better to have a reputation for representing each client based on the facts of their case, regardless of their gender.”