Stephen Stark, Speaking To Win

One of the highlights of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers CLE last week was Steven D. Stark who presented on public speaking. When I returned to Louisville I checked his website and found this synopsis of one of his presentations, which is very similar to what he delivered to the AAML, but we only had the benefit of a one-half day presentation. I can highly recommend him as a great speaker and one who has much to offer lawyers in every field.

One of the highlights of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers CLE last week was Steven D. Stark who presented on public speaking. When I returned to Louisville I checked his website and found this synopsis of one of his presentations, which is very similar to what he delivered to the AAML, but we only had the benefit of a one-half day presentation. I can highly recommend him as a great speaker and one who has much to offer lawyers in every field. It would be a joy to participate in another, longer session. I never realized how very different speaking is than writing and how dull lawyers can be when talking. It will be fun practicing sound bites and repetition for a future presentation. We all spend so much time trying to stay abreast and ahead of the substantive areas of our fields that it is difficult to budget the time and money to tackle all the non-legal information and education we need. This is one presentation that was clearly worth the time and money.

Weary of glazed eyes, I did not mention the word “blog” but once or twice, in confidence, during this trip. Yet, in checking Steve’s website I learned that he hosts a blog, Tote Board 2008, about the upcoming presidential election. Sorry to have missed the opportunity to have talked a little about blogging with him. Next time.