ABA Family Law CLE, Memphis, October 10-13, 2007

2007 Fall CLE Conference, The Peabody, Memphis, TN
Online registration here.
Now for the lineup:

Plenary Sessions

2007 Fall CLE Conference, The Peabody, Memphis, TN
Online registration here.
Now for the lineup:

Plenary Sessions

It’s Not Just About E-mail: What the Family Trial Lawyer Needs to Know About Electronic Evidence Prior to and During a Trial
This session will address the duties of the client and counsel regarding electronic evidence, what to look for during discovery, and related ethical considerations including preventing the spoliation of electronic evidence. This program will discuss trial admissibility issues that arise concerning electronic evidence as well as issues regarding the Federal Electronic Signatures Act.

Now I Know That the Retainer Was Set Too Low . . . Handling Difficult Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues
Even difficult issues can be easy to handle when opposing counsel is settlement oriented and the parties are reasonable. However, a substance abuse or mental health issue can make any case a nightmare to handle. With insight from substance abuse and mental health professionals, as well as advice from the trenches, this program will address how to recognize, confront and handle these difficult issues, whether they are occurring with the opposing party, your client, or even opposing counsel.

Family Law—The Intersection with Federal Law
This program will provide the family law lawyer with tools regarding what to do when presented with a family law case that intersects with federal issues such as bankruptcy, immigration, QDROs and QMESCOs.

Committee CLE Programs

Same-Sex Couples and Interstate Recognition: Family Today, Strangers Tomorrow

Post-Divorce Instructions That Your Client Needs to Know—How to Shape Them Up and Ship Them Out

Hidden Assets in the Military Divorce Cases

Beyond Basic Child Support: Financial Planning for Children

I Worked for It, Nurtured It, Sweated for It: It’s Mine!

Law Office Management for Divorce Lawyers or How to Look Out for Those Who Look Out for You

Child Custody Jurisdiction: Navigating the Statutory Maze

The Details of a Domestic Violence Trial

A Financial Primer for the Family Law Attorney