Report on Opening Records for Adult Adoptees

From Madelyn Freundlich, 2007 November. New York NY: Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute in the report, “For the Records: Restoring a Right to Adult Adoptees,” are the following findings, via the Family Law Prof Blog:

Prohibiting adopted people from getting their personal information raises significant civil rights concerns and potentially serious, negative consequences for their physical and mental health.

From Madelyn Freundlich, 2007 November. New York NY: Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute in the report, “For the Records: Restoring a Right to Adult Adoptees,” are the following findings, via the Family Law Prof Blog:

Prohibiting adopted people from getting their personal information raises significant civil rights concerns and potentially serious, negative consequences for their physical and mental health.
In states that now allow access, there has been no evidence that the legal changes have caused problematic behavior by adopted persons or damage to birthmother’s lives.
Another assertion by critics of changing these laws – that abortion rates will rise and adoption rates will fall – is not supported by the evidence; in fact, it appears just the opposite occurs.
Based on its research and an analysis of its findings, the Institute’s recommendations include:

Every state should amend its laws to restore unrestricted access for adult adopted persons to their original birth certificates – which, historically, had been their right nationwide.
Within three years of enactment, revisit state laws that create a “sandwich” situation in which some adult adopted persons get access to their documents while others do not.
Conduct research to expand the understanding of the experiences of adopted persons, birthparents and adoptive parents in relation to the issue of access to records.”