ABA-APA Joint Conference, No Respect For The Kentucky Derby

The ABA-APA Joint Conference, Reconceptualizing Child Custody: Past, Present and Future, will be April 30-May 3, 2008 in Chicago. The summary provided by the ABA: Family lawyers and psychologists are often confronted with issues of mutual concern, including working with high-conflict families; participating in custody evaluations; relocation; representation of children; and allegations of alienation, sexual abuse, and domestic violence.

The ABA-APA Joint Conference, Reconceptualizing Child Custody: Past, Present and Future, will be April 30-May 3, 2008 in Chicago. The summary provided by the ABA: Family lawyers and psychologists are often confronted with issues of mutual concern, including working with high-conflict families; participating in custody evaluations; relocation; representation of children; and allegations of alienation, sexual abuse, and domestic violence.

The 34 plenaries and breakout sessions will span three full days and allow attendees the opportunity to learn from judges, lawyers, psychologists, researchers, and academicians in a number of settings, including a mock hearing.
Register online here. The tentative agenda is here.