Relocation In Michigan And Edmund Fitzgerald Update (updated)

Just as the Kentucky Supreme Court has three relocation related cases pending, Michigan has been struggling with the issue. Here is Jeanne Hannah’s post Mom’s relocation of 91 miles causes change in custody in Updates In Michicgan Family Law.

Just as the Kentucky Supreme Court has three relocation related cases pending, Michigan has been struggling with the issue. Here is Jeanne Hannah’s post Mom’s relocation of 91 miles causes change in custody in Updates In Michicgan Family Law.
Nearly a year ago I wrote about a missed opportunity to meet Jeanne at this post. Marcia Oddi dubbed it the adventure of the Edmund Fitzgerald and I promptly forwarded the haunting score to my hosts, who were not very amused. But, ha! They invited me back and we’re planning to cruise up Jeanne’s way again this summer. The one lesson I learned, though, is that you really can’t plan when traveling by water. So, Jeanne, if I’m nearby I’ll give you a call, but no advance dinner plans. 🙂
UPDATE: Marcia Oddi writes, Actually it is “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.”
See this excellent video, accompanied by the Gordon Lightfoot vocal. Thanks!