The Family Law Lull Ends

Today the Kentucky Court of Appeals released three published opinions:

S.J.L.S. v. T.L.S. , a 61 pg opinion re attempt to set aside adoption and joint custody of child born to gay moms via artificial insemination;

Today the Kentucky Court of Appeals released three published opinions:

S.J.L.S. v. T.L.S. , a 61 pg opinion re attempt to set aside adoption and joint custody of child born to gay moms via artificial insemination;

Brausch v. Brausch, very interesting child support case affirming trial court’s refusal to consider mom’s earned income tax credit and additional child tax credit as income in computing child support. Also affirmed denial of abatement of child support during dad’s 4 week summer parenting time; and

Castle v. Castle, termination of judicially ordered open-ended maintenance based on cohabitation.

We will post digests of all, of course, but the scorcher, S.J.L.S. v. T.L.S. is probably the one you’ll be hearing or reading in the news, so we will try to get a synopsis posted quickly.