“As soon as the divorce papers are served, the asset shuffling begins. It’s amazing what angry spouses try to do–and what they can get away with” is the distressing title of an article the November 13, 2006 edition of Forbes, published online last week.
A correction to the article: the third edition of Equitable Distribution of Property by Brett R. Turner, was published in 2005 and the dissipation section is now up to 69 pages. It is published by Thomson/West.
“As soon as the divorce papers are served, the asset shuffling begins. It’s amazing what angry spouses try to do–and what they can get away with” is the distressing title of an article the November 13, 2006 edition of Forbes, published online last week.
A correction to the article: the third edition of Equitable Distribution of Property by Brett R. Turner, was published in 2005 and the dissipation section is now up to 69 pages. It is published by Thomson/West.