Uniform State Laws Research Tip

The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws has a valuable website for legal research, www.nccusl.org, to which all the uniform acts are posted, as is the legislative history of each of the acts by state, and all the comments to the uniform acts. I learned of this on the ABA Family Law Section listserve, where the discussion concerned whether one state, when modifying child support, could extend the support beyond the age of majority of the original state issuing the first order.

The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws has a valuable website for legal research, www.nccusl.org, to which all the uniform acts are posted, as is the legislative history of each of the acts by state, and all the comments to the uniform acts. I learned of this on the ABA Family Law Section listserve, where the discussion concerned whether one state, when modifying child support, could extend the support beyond the age of majority of the original state issuing the first order. The child support “Goddess”, Laura Morgan, who knows everything there is to know about child support, informed us that all you have to do is pull up the comments to UIFSA at and search for the word “successive,” and you will find that the answer is quite clearly no. The legislature declares the public policy by enacting a uniform law, and the courts may not declare a contrary public policy, so the erstwhile decisions in New Jersey and New York are off base. Now you know how to find the comments to the Uniform Laws.
And, speaking of Uniform Laws, I had heard The Uniform Representation of Children in Abuse, Neglect, and Custody Proceedings Act was approved by the NCCUSL. I am please to now post the link to it.