Last week at the Louisville Bar Association annual Bench & Bar dinner, out-going Family Law Section chair Michelle Eisenmenger Mapes was presented the 2008 Co-Section of the year award along with the litigation section. Michelle set this as...
Ruby V. Ruby, DVO entered but parties then entered into an agreed order dismissing the DVO. Trial court declined to enter agreed order, amending DVO to no unlawful contact instead. Court of Appeals affirmed entry of DVO but...
No to be published family law decisions were released by the Kentucky Supreme Court yesterday. Discretionary review was granted in Mullins v. Picklesimer, (child custody, lesbian partner of biological mother). The Court of Appeals opinion is here and...
Tuesday night the Kentucky Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers elected new officers who will each serve for two years. Mitchell Charney became President, Melanie Straw-Boone is President-Elect, Martha Rosenberg remains Vice President, Mark Ogle is...
Bell v. Cartwright, et al. Child support increase reversed where no substantial evidence to show the increase related to child’s reasonable needs and not simply father’s increased income. Father is employed by Miami Dolphins.
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