What does Intellectual Property have to do with divorce law? Well, if it is property and it has value the IP belongs on the asset division spreadsheet. Mediator Victoria Pynchon has launched the new IP ADR Blog on...
It was bound to happen. Maybe it is not the first family law case to be blogged by a litigant, but it’s the first I have seen. I found it troubling to see a party to a pending...
T.G. v. Com. –S.W.3d—(Ky. App. 2007), Termination of parental rights. Issues and Holdings: 1. Whether KRS 625.090(1)(a)1 is constitutional. The Court held yes, if the statute is correctly applied. However, the family court did not correctly apply the...
The Kentucky Supreme Court has stayed a trial in Rhoades v. Ricketts, expedited the briefing schedule in the matter of J.N.R., et al. v. Hon. Joseph O’Reilly, Judge, Jefferson Family Court, 2007-SC-000175-MR, and has scheduled oral arguments September...
Oral arguments in Hinshaw#1 digested here will be held by the Kentucky Supreme Court Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 10:00am at the University of Kentucky College of Law Courtroom, 620 S. Limestone Street, Lexington, KY. It remains to...
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