An attorney spouse brought multiple lawsuits against his ex-wife, her family, as well as several lawyers and judges. Finally, in Davey v. Dolan, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 68960 (September 26, 2006), digested by the Family Law Prof Blog,...
You will notice a new category to this blawg, negotiation. Prior mediation posts have contained negotiation tips, but they are really two separate animals and each deserves attention. Victoria Pynchon’s post, Anchoring Redux, jokingly referring to “Kumbya University”...
A Wisconsin decision in Motte v. Motte, 2006 Wisc. App. LEXIS 880 (September 27, 2006) held agreements waiving child support arrearages or estopping parents from asking for modification if children change residence are void as against public policy....
Tax errors in divorce agreements are costly: Here’s how to avoid them is the title of an article by Eva Rosenberg, in Dow Jones MarketWatch. Lynne Gold-Bikin from Norristown, Penn, and an AAML Fellow, points out some frequent...
In the wake of The New York Times Sunday October 1, 2006 front page story Campaign Cash Mirrors a High Court’s Rulings, reprinted in The Courier-Journal Judicial Campaign Ethics Questioned, it’s time to talk about Citizens For Better...
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