In written remarks accepting the Indiana Judges Association Award for reporting on the judiciary, Marcia Oddi gave a hint of things to come at the Indiana Law Blog. “What about the future? I could go on and on,...
Don’t like or understand RSS feeds? (icon at upper right) Don’t like or want FeedBlitz (email subscription on upper right) for each blog to which you subscribe? I love RSS feeds, so I have no interest in monkeying...
Pauline Tesler and Peggy Thompson, the dynamic presenters who are coming to Louisville November 1, 2006 to teach an advanced interdisciplinary collaborative divorce program, appeared on the PBS show last night, Kids & Divorce: For Better or Worse....
Kudos to Oldham County Attorney John Fendley was honored as Kentucky’s top child support contracting official for the fourth consecutive year. The state government press release is reprinted below in its entirety. Thanks to Mike Stevens of the...
Jim Calloway’s Law Practice Tips Blog site of the week is the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility’s online resource center. Jim says “(T)he ABA Center for Professional Responsibility homepage provides free ethics and professionalism resources for lawyers, such...
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