Retired Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Martin E. Johnstone’s comments in the Louisville Bar Briefs which cite the challenges blogs pose to the judiciary were directed at political blogs and not legal blogs, I am pleased to report. Further,...
In cases where both parents care for the children half the time and both earn equal incomes, there usually isn’t a need for fixed child support, only an agreement for the division of agreed upon expenses. These arrangements...
Yesterday we posted the new Rules of Practice of Jefferson Circuit Court, Family Division and its new website. Today LawReader posts links to: Other Kentucky Court Family Law websites Administrative Office of the Courts forms available online
Janet Janghahr’s Florida Divorce Law Blog: reports: “An adoption agency notified a biological father that his baby was going to be adopted. That was how the biological father allegedly first learned of the child’s existence. By that time,...
New Family Court Rules of Practice, Jefferson Circuit Court, Kentucky, became effective September 2, 2006. Click on the link at the end for a .pdf copy. If anyone has a redlined version, I would be glad to post...
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