Yesterday we posted the new Rules of Practice of Jefferson Circuit Court, Family Division and its new website. Today LawReader posts links to: Other Kentucky Court Family Law websites Administrative Office of the Courts forms available online
Janet Janghahr’s Florida Divorce Law Blog: reports: “An adoption agency notified a biological father that his baby was going to be adopted. That was how the biological father allegedly first learned of the child’s existence. By that time,...
New Family Court Rules of Practice, Jefferson Circuit Court, Kentucky, became effective September 2, 2006. Click on the link at the end for a .pdf copy. If anyone has a redlined version, I would be glad to post...
Thursday, September 14, at 10p.m. on PBS, Kids & Divorce: For Better or Worse will explore what parents and the legal system can do to minimize the negative impact of divorce on children. The one-hour television special will...
My Trial Blog is chock full of trial practice tips. Check out some of the recent posts: Oops! I Forgot to Object!- Or, How Not to Lose your Appeal at Trial Direct Examination Doesn’t Have To Be Boring...
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