It was welcome news that the state found funding for the Jefferson County family court drug court program. Yet, it is concerning that this program was not funded in the budget, and that a front page newspaper article...
The Family Law Prof Blog points out “that the debate over how and if race should be considered in custody actions is not settled. A recent Illinois Appeals Court decision affirmed a trial judge’s decision to grant sole...
The South Carolina Family Law Blog posted an updated directory of North American family law blogs. On our family law blog categories we list those aimed at professionals and do not list those giving advice about the law...
“Inside The Child Recovery Industry – Snatchbacks” is the title of a post by Janet Langjahr at Florida Divorce Law Blog. “Some of the most challenging cases for parents and their attorneys are international kidnapping cases. Unfortunately, it...
At the ABA meeting in Hawaii last week the following resolution was passed: “RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges the Federal government, the states and territories, and local governments to enact legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis...
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