From The Family Law Prof’s Blog: Commentary: Do State Constitutional Bans on Same-Sex Marriage Impact Domestic Violence Statutes and Unmarried Women? and Another Ohio Appellate Court Holds Domestic Violence Statute Unconstitutional under Ohio’s Defense of Marriage Amendment
From the Family Law Prof’s Blog, the following new law from around the U.S. Removing Child from Person With Whom Child Has Strong Attachment but No Legal Rights is Not Abuse Nebraska upholds grandparent visitation statute
Sprint’s new Family Locator and the Verizon Chaperone sell phone locator feature being launched today are discussed in the Legington Hearld-Leader. “Among the unresolved legal issues: Should disclosure of location data require the high legal barrier now surrounding...
From The American Lawyer On The Web, Blawgs Are On A Roll. “Opinions are all over the map. But the conversation is almost always precise, thoughtful, respectful, and responsive: a respite from the screaming and fist-shaking that goes...
After many years of study, The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers published a Model Relocation Act, for consideration by state legislatures in 1997. Shame on us for waiting on our courts to adopt on a case by case...