Family law may be suited for interdisciplinary practice firms, and frankly, I am surprised no one has pushed the envelope to form mutually owned entities in this field. Wouldn’t it be helpful to have a financial planner or...
Steven Kriegshaber, Louisville attorney, and a past president of the Kentucky Chapter of the AAML, serves on the national AAML Special Concerns of Children Committee, and helped author a publication, REPRESENTING CHILDREN: Standards for Attorneys & Guardian Ad...
Register Online for the 90 minute ABA Teleseminar, “Ethical Issues in Representing Children in Custody Proceedings,” June 13, 2006 at noon Eastern time.
Magaret Dore’s article, Court Appointed Parenting Evaluators and Guardians ad Litem: Practical Realities and an Argument for Abolition, makes a good case for such professionals not providing opinions on the ultimate question to the court. In Kentucky divorce...
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