Tips to Uncover Unreported Income and Hidden Assets as reported by Janet Jangjahr, in her Florida Divorce blog. Divorce Online has published this handy article containing tips on finding Unreported Income and Hidden Assets.
The Art of Divorce Blog has a great posting about this: A new study by a dating website claims that nearly half of all spouses cheat. Although this number may be skewed on the high side given the...
Sorry the .pdf link with Judge Potter’s special Jury Instructions cannot be opened, which we referenced in the posting about Mike Runner yesterday. Will fix asap. Beginners goof-up. This is a good time to mention, however, that you...
From Paul C. O’Bryan: The Ct. of Appeals, in S.R.D. v. T.L.B., 174 S.W.3d 502 (Ky. App., 2005) discusses the theory of paternity by estoppel. I think the “best” chance (absent a new statute) is to argue that...
We were saddened by the death last week of our Louisville colleague, E. Michael Runner, a former AAML Fellow. Mike was opposing counsel in an alienation of affection case early in my career, a tort which has, thankfully,...
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