We would love to have guest articles from financial experts and mental health professionals. Having guest submissions from divorce lawyers in northern, central, and western Kentucky and from our Louisville colleagues would also be a welcome resource. Send...
A couple of years ago the Courier-Journal published a piece I wrote on the Kentucky Collaorative Family Law Network,as we prepared to transition to an interdisciplinary group. It gives a little perspective on where we were at the...
Rodney P. v. Stacy B., 169 SW3d 834 (Ky., 2005) Increase in obligor’s income does not warrant increase in child support where child is committed to the state. A parent cannot be obligated to pay both the state...
Mattingly v. Mattingly, 164 SW3d 518 (Ky.App., 2005) Obligation to pay college for a child over 18 was not dischargeable in bankruptcy, even where mother failed to contest dischargeability in Bankruptcy Court.
Combs v. Daugherty and Jennifer Combs, Real Party in Interest, 170 SW3d 424 (Ky.App., 2005) Discovery from child support obligor for purpose of recalculating child support is not permitted until a motion for modification of support is filed.
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