Goff v. Goff, 172 SW3d 352 (Ky., 2005) Applying the UCCJA, Kentucky had subject matter jurisdiction to enter the initial custody decree, but was without continuing jurisdiction to modify it because Tennessee was unquestionably the home state of...
Now that we are a bit public, it seems appropriate to talk about the scholarship of legal blogs. In a posting on 3L Epiphany a U.S. District Court Judge is interviewed about his use of blogs as secondary...
Michael Stevens was very kind to announce the presence of this blog in his KentuckyLawBlog today. The good news is you’re reading it. The bad news is that you will see the learning curve in progress as we...
Allen v. Devine, 178 SW3d 517 (Ky.App., 2005) Once a finding is made that persons are de facto custodians, they then are on equal footing and court must then determine best interest. Blood relationship is but one of...
Crossfield v. Crossfield, 155 SW3d 743 (Ky.App., 2005) Change of residential parent within two years of custody decree requires supporting affidavits and finding of endangerment or placement with de facto custodian.
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