When maintenance is front-end-loaded, the payor may be required to recapture in the third year excess alimony. Two calculations are necessary.The first compares the second year payments to the third year payments. If the amount paid in year...
An April 10, 2006 National Law Journal article on paternity fraud has been reprinted at www.law.com. This is the flip side of the dual paternity issue where non-biological fathers have been required to pay child support. It is...
Utah has decided an important dual paternity case, link below. The law in Kentucky is unsettled where a husband/non-biological father wants to continue a relationship with and support of a child born during the marriage. Although a case...
Michael Stevens’ KentuckyLawBlog, KyCases, and LouisvilleLawWire have been of enormous help to the bar, providing a much needed (and free!) service of publicizing appellate opinions. We all owe him a big thanks. This blog will not duplicate his...
After overwhelming passage in the house and senate, Gov. Fletcher vetoed today HB 204 which would have provided that child support of a child found by the court to be disabled does not terminate at age 19 until...
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