MCCARTY V. FARIED “Questions Presented: Family Law. Child Support. Income Exceeding Guidelines. Whether the trial court properly included projected expenses in the child’s reasonable needs when establishing an initial child support order for a high income parent.” Father...
CARVER V. CARVER Mother and Father, each collecting disability, had a child with Down Syndrome and significant health issues. The parties agreed to pay child support per the Kentucky guidelines, but Father never made any payments to Mother...
CHADWICK V. FLORA, ET AL. Grandmother appealed an order finding she was not a de facto custodian of her grandchild. The order also denied her motion for custody and visitation. Grandmother’s first argument on appeal is that the...
WEDDING V. HARMON, ET AL. Father shared private co-parenting emails between the parties (Mother and Father) with teachers, other parents, and relatives. After holding a hearing, the trial court entered an injunction ordering Father not to forward others...
BROOKS V. BYRD Mother filed an appeal from a custody order while a post-judgment motion was pending. After the filing of the appeal, the trial court ruled on the post-judgment motion entering findings of facts, conclusions of law,...
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