ROBISON V. THEELE, ET AL. Mother lived with her parents (hereinafter “grandparents”), and passed away after treatment for cancer, which mother underwent during dissolution proceedings. Father exercised visitation regularly during the proceedings and mother’s cancer treatment. At the...
WOOD V. WOESTE Father and Mother had joint custody of child, who was living in Kentucky with Father during the school year. Mother resided in Montana. Father was given notice he was being returned to active service in...
MOSKOVITZ V. MOSKOVITZ Appellant’s motion to modify child support was denied by the Circuit Court because Appellant could not attend a hearing in person. Appellant was a resident of Venezuela and unable to legally enter the United States....
MIX V. PETTY Appellant appeals the decision of the family court to terminate child support on May 30, 2014 for a home-schooled child remaining in high school after his 18th birthday. Appellant argued child support should either terminate...
HOLT V. HOLT The appellant appealed a Bullitt County DVO, arguing the court lacked jurisdiction to enter a DVO. The petition for a DVO was originally filed in Nelson County. It was transferred to Bullitt County after the...
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