Truman v. Lillard, trial court finding that adoptive mother had not waived her superior right to custody over former partner was affirmed. Palmer v. Burnett, et al grandparent lacks standing to obtain grandparent visitation where grandparent voluntarily terminated...
J.D.C v. CHFS, 2012-CA-000670-ME Published: Reversing and Remanding County: Barren Putative Father appealed FC’s judgment of paternity, claiming he should have been granted evidentiary hearing. FACTS:
Ford v. Perkins, 2011-SC-000330-DG Published: Affirming in Part, Vacating in Part, and Remanding County: Jefferson SC granted Ex-Husband’s motion for discretionary review regarding the appropriate distribution of his IRA account, which Ex-Husband no longer disputed was marital...
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