Hinshaw v. Hinshaw #1, digested here, was affirmed by the Kentucky Supreme Court today, in an opinion available online. Wife was equitably estopped from claiming husband was not father of child.Read More
Some quotes from Tresa Baldas,The National Law Journal, October 29, 2007, online: Family law attorneys are urging couples to steer clear of Internet-ordained ministers when seeking an officiate to perform their nuptials.Read More
By all accounts, the program of Irv Maze, Jefferson County Attorney in threatening to publicize the names of child support obligors who are six months delinquent is very successful. A long list appeared in a supplement to today’s Courier Journal. 20% of the deadbeats are women, so let’s lay to rest the phrase “dead beat...Read More
David Klepper, Topeka correspondent to the Kansas City Star reports on the decision last Friday denying a sperm donor any rights to the child, as there was no written agreement. In a 4-2 decision, the court held that the state law is justified and clear: if Hendrix wanted a relationship with the children, he should...Read More
Of the opinions released by the Kentucky Court of Appeals yesterday, two are family law related and will be digested here shortly: Zoeller v. Gutterman, re grandparent visitation when the child is being adopted by the other grandparents.Read More
We say “appear” because some links in the minutes are broken, so if a couple does not have the same last name, one may have been overlooked. We’ll check again next week.Read More
Linking to the bill, John Harding of California Divorce Blawg reports Power To The Pets On September 11, 2007 California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law SB 353 amending Family Code §6320 to provide that a Court, upon a showing a good cause, may grant exclusive care of any animal to a party, and may...Read More
All lawyers remember their first jury trial. Mine was a dreadful alienation of affections case about which I reported here, on the death of E. Michael Runner. Thankfully the tort has since been abolished in Kentucky. Seven states still allow lawsuits by people who claim someone stole their wife or husband, Hawaii, Illinois, New Mexico,...Read More
As Miami’s family courts prepare to go paperless, a law.com article Family Court Embarks on Paperless Odyssey, by Billy Shields, Daily Business Review, October 22, 2007, available online discusses: The PlusesRead More
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