What does Intellectual Property have to do with divorce law? Well, if it is property and it has value the IP belongs on the asset division spreadsheet. Mediator Victoria Pynchon has launched the new IP ADR Blog on which she posts about the value of domain names, And While You’re At It, Throw In The...Read More
It was bound to happen. Maybe it is not the first family law case to be blogged by a litigant, but it’s the first I have seen. I found it troubling to see a party to a pending case blogging his evidence on the internet. We assume judges read blogs. If I represented the opposing...Read More
T.G. v. Com. –S.W.3d—(Ky. App. 2007), Termination of parental rights. Issues and Holdings: 1. Whether KRS 625.090(1)(a)1 is constitutional. The Court held yes, if the statute is correctly applied. However, the family court did not correctly apply the statute. 2. Whether the family court’s findings under KRS 625.090 were supported by substantial evidence. The Court...Read More
The Kentucky Supreme Court has stayed a trial in Rhoades v. Ricketts, expedited the briefing schedule in the matter of J.N.R., et al. v. Hon. Joseph O’Reilly, Judge, Jefferson Family Court, 2007-SC-000175-MR, and has scheduled oral arguments September 12, 2007, at 9:00 a.m., at the University of Kentucky College of Law courtroom, 620 Limestone Street,...Read More
Oral arguments in Hinshaw#1 digested here will be held by the Kentucky Supreme Court Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 10:00am at the University of Kentucky College of Law Courtroom, 620 S. Limestone Street, Lexington, KY. It remains to be seen whether discretionary review will be sought in Boone v. Ballinger, digested here, how the Supreme...Read More
Wallace v. Wallace, –S.W.3d –(Ky. App. 2007) Issues and Holdings: 1. Whether under the UCCJEA Kentucky has jurisdiction to modify the visitation order as to all, none, or only the oldest child, who has resided in Kentucky for a period exceeding six months. The Court held that the trial court had continuing jurisdiction to modify...Read More
BOONE V. BALLINGER___S.W.3d___(Ky. App. 2007) De facto custodian; doctrine of waiver and estoppel; Rebuttable presumption of paternity; Marital property (401k account) 2006-CA-001257 TO BE PUBLISHED: REVERSING AND REMANDING (ABRAMSON) DATE RENDERED: 5/4/2007Read More
Kansas is the 5th state to adopt The Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act, International Family Law reports at Preventing International Child Abduction: The Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act – which includes some specific provisions designed to prevent international child abduction – was signed into law in Kansas on April 6, 2007. Kansas is the fourth...Read More
Dan Nunley posted this wonderful story, Life Is Short, on his Oklahoma Family Law Blog: A few weeks ago, I was shuffling toward the garage with a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the other. What began as a typical Saturday morning turned into one of those lessons that...Read More
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