Law Firms Pitch Themselves As the Divorced Guy’s Guys by Ann Carrens last week at The Wall Street Journal reports on the trend of law firms selling themselves as “father’s rights” lawyers and the Cordell & Cordell firm in particular. We have none (yet) in Louisville.Read More
If you are new to DLJ or if you have not toured the complete site in awhile, I would like to tell you about some features. You can subscribe by email at the upper right corner. Each day you will receive an email listing the posts from the previous day.Read More
Last year we posted on Getting A Get here. Some quotes from an article by Lisa J. Huriash at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, and then an editorial opposing. Observant women need their husbands to grant them a divorce.Read More
I have seen several articles recently reporting how difficult it can be to retrieve a child who has been abducted by a parent to Japan. See, for example, a page at the U.S.Read More
The cost of conflict: what happens when we frame divorce as combat is the title of a nice post by Diane Levin at Online Guide To Mediation. She was successfully able to put into words (and much more politely than I could have) some of my thoughts when I read about the book to which...Read More
One of the questions we pondered as states passed DOMAs and constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage was what effect such would have on divorces between heterosexuals. Larry O’Dell,Read More