Senate Bill 140 (Study feasibility of voluntary acknowledgement-of-paternity registry): Introduced by Sen. Richard L. Roeding on February 8, 2007. Passed in the Senate (35 to 0) on February 26, 2007, to direct the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to appoint a panel, which may include members of the blue ribbon panel on adoption, to...Read More
Denzik v. Denzik, about which we reported here and digested here, permitted a husband to recoup child support payments many years later, in a civil action for damages, when he was found not to be the biological father of the child born during the marriage. Where will it end? Who knows, but now the Court...Read More
Jefferson (KY) Circuit Court, Family Division has scheduled upcoming committee meetings and notified attorneys on their list by email. Since I do not know whether the judges will be accompanied by their sheriffs, I did not include the location of each meeting. If you are interested in attending, the contact info is noted. The Family...Read More
While the horrible custom of slavery was mentioned when I was in school, Black History was not taught. Our shameful past was glossed over because we were still a racist society. Those of a certain age need to learn history for the first time. How our laws treated marriage and divorce among blacks not all...Read More
The husband of three wives claimed the court’s landmark ruling on gays applies to polygamists reports Warren Richey, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor in an article today Supreme Court declines polygamy case. Some quotes: At issue in his case was whether state prosecutors violated his constitutional right to practice his religion and maintain...Read More
Spees v. Kentucky Legal Aid 2006 WL 1791154 (Ky. App.) Discretionary review granted 2/22/07 Issue and Holding: Whether court appointed attorney is statutorily entitled to be paid for his services. The Court held yes, court appointed attorney was entitled to compensation, however no responsible party existed to pay the attorney. Facts:Read More
To borrow a phrase from Marcia Oddi at Indiana Law Blog, “Not Law But Interesting”, the first posts on this blog 363 days ago included one about Meghan Steinberg. Her dad, Jerry(L), a Louisville attorney, had a general practice including family law, and lives across the street from me. Her mom, Freeda Clark, is also...Read More
363 days ago, on the first day of posting, our Bowl For Kid’s Sake Team, LouisvilleDivorceKlutzes , benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters was announced here. It’s that time of year again and now I know how to give you a link directly to our team page. Go here to donate to our team.Read More
A set of new bills in the Tennessee Legislature would allow men to stop paying child support if a paternity test shows they are not the father. Tennessee House Bill HB1523 and SB1949, would amend T.C.A. section 36-5-101. If the bills become law, men who could prove they are not the biological father would be...Read More