Note: This case is not final; a motion for discretionary review has been filed. Kimbrough v. Com, __ S.W.3d __ (Ky. App. 2006), 2006 WL 2034015 (Ky. App.) Issues and Holdings: 1) Whether the child support statute that provided a deduction from a parent’s gross income for an “imputed child support obligation” violated equal protection....Read More
This case is not yet final. K.R.L. v. P.A.C., __ S.W.3d __ (Ky. App. 2006), 2006 WL 3459727 (Ky. App.) At the trial court level, Mother petitioned the court to terminate Father’s parental rights, claiming in the petition that Father had abandoned Son for nearly two years and failed to provide essential care for Son....Read More
Hinshaw v. Hinshaw, __ S.W.3d __ (Ky. App. 2006), 2006 WL 2519221 (Ky. App.) This is Hinshaw #1, motion for discretionary review pending. Issues and Holdings: 1) Whether the former husband could have custody rights to former wife’s child even though he was not the child’s biological father. The Court held yes, the former husband...Read More
Editor’s note: This case is now final, and we will update post with SW3d cite when available. Robinson v. Robinson, __ S.W.3d __ (Ky. App. 2006), 2006 WL 3460123 (Ky. App.) Issue and Holding: Whether the trial court had the jurisdiction to modify the custody decree regarding one parent’s wish to relocate with the children....Read More
This case is now final; SW3d cite will be supplied when available. This is Hinshaw # 2, not to be confused with Hinshaw #!, in which a motion for discretionary review is pending. Hinshaw v. Hinshaw, __ S.W.3d __ (Ky. App. 2006), 2006 WL 3334040 (Ky. App.)Read More
You may download the April 19-20, 2007 AAML/LBA 10th annual seminar brochure for info and registration here:Download seminarbrochureaaml_072nd.pdf :Read More
Settle It Now Negotiation Blog turns to Robert B. Cialdini’s Six Rules of Influence That Could Make Or Break Your Next [Commercial] Negotiation. The same principles apply to negotiation in any mediation and this post is excellent. Check it out.Read More
Tomorrow you will find a blitz of recent Kentucky family law cases posted that have not previously been digested on this site. This does not indicate a shift in editorial policy to publish summaries and links only when a case is final unless newsworthy or tickles our fancy. The cases had to be digested anyway...Read More
The New York Times reports today U.S. Set to Begin a Vast Expansion of DNA Sampling. Peter Neufeld, a lawyer who is a co-director of the Innocence Project, which has exonerated dozens of prison inmates using DNA evidence, said the government was overreaching by seeking to apply DNA sampling as universally as fingerprinting.Read More