The ABA Child Custody and Adoption Pro Bono Project will award directed grants supporting the delivery of legal services to children in custody cases. Pro bono programs, legal service programs, children’s law centers, law-school clinics, court programs, and similar organizations are invited to apply. The focus for the 2007 grants is Lawyers and Law Schools...Read More
single issue monetized shuttle no intake lawyer controlled mediation is the title of a post by Victoria Pynchon at Settle It Now Negotiation Blog. It links to Representing Clients Effectively in Negotiation, Conciliation and Mediation in Family Property Disputes by Prof. John Wade. This article isn’t news.Read More
Jeanne Hannah at Updates In Michigan Family Law has written more on this topic than anyone in the blawgospehere: Parentage Issues: Here We Go Again! Why We Need a Federal Putative Father Registry Acknowledgments of Parentage: Can They Protect Parent-Child Relationships? Barnes v Jeudevine: How to Deprive a Child of a Father Can a putative...Read More
The civil case of Denzik v. Denzik, 197 S.W.3d 108 (Ky., 2006) digested here permitted damages to recoup child support payments by a husband who turned out not to be the bio-dad.Read More
Michael Stevens of Kentucky Law Blog comments:Family law is tough because the choices hard, the emotions high, and the consequences grave for all concerned. First, the mother presumably knows or would have reason to suspect the paternity of the child is not conclusive just because of the presumption of conception during wedlock.Read More
Please note: I am updating this post as comments are received, so check back for updates. This is turning out to be a very interesting discussion. There are many thoughtful comments to the Who’s Your Daddy? post that I would like to highlight, so they are not overlooked. Would anyone like to weigh in on...Read More
On April 19, 2007 the Kentucky Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers will welcome back James A. Hennenhoefer, Vista, CA, the President-Elect of the AAML. He will speak this year on Representing the Economically Disadvantaged Spouse. Also back by popular demand is Norman D. Levin, an AAML Fellow from Orlando, FL who will...Read More
The ABA Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 3, Fall 2006 is now in print. Each article looks well worth reading: The Intersection of Immigration Law and Family by Nicole Lawrence Ezer Assessing Social Science Studies: Eleven Tips for Judges and Lawyers by Sarah H. Ramsey & Robert F. Kelly Adults’ Sexual Orientation and State...Read More
We have been reading the news (New York Times, USA Today) of the Memphis child who will be returned in days to her biological parents, after being raised by another family for seven years. I have been waiting to see the Tennessee opinion, which is now online.Read More
Marcia Oddi has the latest story about Super Lawyers at Indiana Law Blog, linking to numerous past articles she has published on the topic, Super Lawyers/Best Lawyers Buoyed by N.Y. Advertising Rule. This blog has a prior post here, too.Read More
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