Many corporations are feeling the heat and have been in the news for back-dating stock options. This Forbes article posits that the issue may have a gnarly impact on such options in the event of divorce. It doesn’t suggest solutions, but sometimes the important thing is to be aware that there may be a problem...Read More
Pro Se divorce litigants are increasing common in family courts, approaching 70% of cases in some areas. The Jefferson County Kentucky Family Court and Louisville Bar Association are assembling forms for these litigants to use. reports that two Massachusetts family courts are experimenting with lawyers providing limited representation. “Litigants who might have appeared before...Read More
Issue and Holding: Whether one who is not a parent but who has nevertheless participated substantially in the support and rearing of a child for a significant period of time has standing to claim a right of custody or visitation upon discontinuance of the cohabitational relationship with the parent. The Court held no, such person...Read More
Issue and Holding: Whether the Cabinet for Health and Family Services failed to offer sufficient evidence to support a finding of medical and educational neglect. The Court found that the Cabinet failed to present sufficient evidence.Read More
To be in a land where you do not look like the other people and in a place where there is enormous hostility to the U.S.A. was an eye-opening and humbling experience. Experiencing the Muslim culture was a first. Even reading the news from a different perspective was mind-boggling. The World Economic Forum was meeting...Read More
The National Center for Family Law will be presenting the First National Family Law Symposium Sunday, September 16 – Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at the University of Richmond School of Law. It is designed for family law practitioners, judges, professors and mental health professionals interested in the law and social policies impacting families and children....Read More
The AAML annual meeting in Chicago was filled with the best yet CLE. I often return from these meetings feeling the material is indispensable; this year was over-the-top fabulous. I am not unaware of the furor in some circles about blogging the content of paid seminars over the internet. Of more concern to me is...Read More
Gay Donor or Gay Dad? by John Bowe is The New York Times Magazine November 19, 2006 cover story under the headline An Extended Nuclear Family? . “Gay men and lesbians are having babies – and redefining fatherhood, commitment and what a family can be.” The entire article is online and worth a read.Read More