Geoff Sharp (check out the clever animation) of Mediator Blah Blah has launched The Mediation vBlog Project at Mediation vBlog. The first post is a short into by Diane Levine of Online Guide To Mediation.Read More
On Monday the Kentucky Law Blog published a list of Court of Appeals family law decisions announced October 13, 2006. Kentucky Cases posted the Kentucky Court of Appeals October 27, 2006 minutes that very day, and posted here the minutes from October 20, 2006 and here the minutes from October 13, 2006.Read More
Last chance to register for tomorrow’s collaborative advanced training! Info and press release below. Even if you cannot attend the seminar, the public is invited to meet Pauline Tessler and Peggy Thompson at Sullivan University, 5-7 pm. Here are the details: Download kcfn_networking_event_poster.pdfRead More
What concerned me when I read the news stories about the New Jersey same-sex marriage case was that it was a 4-3 decision. I was worried that the court was so split on the rights due gay partners, that any change in balance of the composition of government would easily upend the decision. I am...Read More
I was tickled to read Online Guide To Mediation will be hosting Blawg Review on February 5, 2007. Our Blawg Review hosting has been postponed to March 26, 2007. I’ll tell you the reason a little later; it’s pretty funny. In any event it will be great fun and it’s great to have a deadline...Read More
In response to an October 22, 2006 Los Angeles Times article, Is Justice Served, Victoria Pynchon is posting a series of arbitration articles. The first is Does Arbitration Disserve Justice? It is followed by Arbitration v. Litigation.Read More
The summer 2006 Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 2, released last week, Symposium of Fathers and Family Law, is a must have volume for family law practitioners. $20 plus $3.95 postage will buy you a copy from ABA Service Center, 321 N. Clark St., Chicago, Il 60610.Read More
From Kentucky Law Blog, Judicial Politics: Could Elsewhere be here? And the time for considering judicial appointments is now! “I have heard change seldom occurs without a crisis and seldom without discomfort, but do we need devastation of our judicial landscape before we take the newly added ingredients of political pandering for money and partisanship...Read More
HOW TO FIND A DIVORCE ARBITRATOR? Easy. Click here for AAML certified arbitrators across the United States. Once you have a name, you can then check out a possible arbitrator’s bio and website by going here.Read More
Now I read there is an infidelity expert. What will they think of next? Spying on Your Cheating Spouse Could Be Against the Law is the title of an article by Ruth Huston which advises people they can find out if a spouse is cheating by reading her book.Read More