What to do when your client receives a Notice of Registration of Enforcement of Foreign Support Order? The registration can be contested on several grounds including that the court lacked jurisdiction or lack of notice. Defenses must be raised at the time of registration or are lost. Click here for reciprocal agreements between U.S. Government...Read More
It’s time for another “You Piss Me Off Dinner.” It will be November 14, 2006 at Austin’s, near Holiday Manor, Louisville, KY 5-8 pm. As usual, Gary Lowen has solicited a number of attorneys to pay for the dinner and there will be a cash bar. It is always a lot of fun.Read More
The Relationship of Biology to Legal Fatherhood: Two New Cases Show Courts Struggling to Find a Coherent Approach, As Non-Biological Fathers Fight for Their Rights to ChildrenRead More
One of the reasons I like writing this blawg is that I learn so much. Just as teaching a CLE is the best way to learn a topic thoroughly, researching online resources and posting about them is a discipline that brings much more information across my desk than I would otherwise discover.Read More
You need not be an Academy Fellow to attend the outstanding seminars the AAML holds each November in Chicago and each March in some warm paradise. Attached is the registration form and here are some of the topics: Thursday, November 9, 2006 Professor Robert Mnookin from Harvard will present Negotiation Techniques by the Expert Friday,...Read More
Here’s the registration form and the following is the line up for the ABA Family Law Section Seminar October 25-28, 2006 in Santa Fe: Plenary Sessions: Efficient Divorce Practice in the 21st Century: Using Financial Advisors With Any Budget A panel including financial advisors will explore strategies to use advisors in domestic relations matters and...Read More
Modern Divorce Advocacy course marks NITA’s first foray into family law. I’d be very interested in hearing about the program from attendees. The excellent ABA Family Law Trial Advocacy Institute about which we’ve posted has such a limited enrollment that other such national programs are needed. Here’s the NITA press release: Louisville, Colo. (PRWEB) October...Read More
From Victoria Pynchon: “I just noticed this post & agree with what you say. I, too, feel the tension between negotiation and mediation. As my friend and mentor Ken Cloke says, there are 5 responses to conflict — conflict avoidance, conflict suppression, conflict resolution, conflict transformation, and conflict transcendence. As women, we are trained by...Read More
On Friday, October 20, 12-1, the Jury Assembly Room, Judicial Center, Louisville, KY is the place to be for the Jefferson Circuit Court, Family Division Forum. These periodic forums are invaluable exchanges between the family court bench and bar. There’s always some news and a genuine feeling that feedback is appreciated.Read More
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