HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHOM TO MARRY? (written by kids) (1) You’ve got to find somebody who likes the same stuff as you do. Like if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports. — Alan, age 10 (2) Nobody really decides before they grow up who they’re going to marry. God...Read More
While at first blush granting amnesty to delinquent child support obligors is offensive, if it works for back taxes maybe it will aid collection when all else fails. Janet Jangjhar reports in the Florida Divorce Law Blog, “The state of Ohio bears the dubious distinction of child support arrearages of nearly $5 billion. Ohio prisons...Read More
Victoria Pynchon’s Settle It Now Blog Spot has an insightful post on mediation of business cases. Many divorces involve valuing and dividing business interests. Her insights are eye-opening for those who simply try to “get to the number” too quickly. While her report is not directly aimed at divorces involving businesess, it’s certainly applicable. Our...Read More
The Lexington Herald-Leader reports, “Matthew Snoddy, the oldest son of Comair Flight 5191 victim Tim Snoddy, filed a lawsuit in Fayette Circuit Court on Tuesday to determine who should be named next of kin — Matthew Snoddy or his father’s estranged wife, Connie Elise Buckley.Read More
The Kentucky Court of Appeals affirmed today, in a published opinion, Hinshaw v. Hinshaw, an award of joint custody to a father who was not told until after the divorce petition was filed that he was not the father of his son. Because our office is involved with this case, that’s all we will say...Read More
Tim Snoddy, a top notch business valuation expert in Lexington, died Sunday in the Comair Lexington plane crash. Our thoughts and friendship go to his family, business associates and to our Lexington colleagues who have lost too many in this tragic accident. “Timothy K. Snoddy of Lexington was a passenger on Comair flight 5191 and...Read More
A Premarital Agreement Checklist is on Diana Mercer’s website, Peace Talks. Diana is co-author of Your Divorce Advisor, a book we bought in bulk to give to appropriate clients.Read More
Muslim marriage contracts have “long been a Muslim tradition. Most, however, contain just one key provision, that of the “mahr,” a gift usually of money, that the man gives the woman.” From an article in the Washington Post.Read More
If your client has a U.S. child support order, but the obligor lives in a foreign country, here are a couple of websites that provide info for enforcement. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services ACF and U.S. Department of State.Read More
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