“Inside The Child Recovery Industry – Snatchbacks” is the title of a post by Janet Langjahr at Florida Divorce Law Blog. “Some of the most challenging cases for parents and their attorneys are international kidnapping cases. Unfortunately, it can take months and years to guide these cases through the court system. And ultimate success –...Read More
At the ABA meeting in Hawaii last week the following resolution was passed: “RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges the Federal government, the states and territories, and local governments to enact legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived gender identity or expression in employment, housing and public accommodations.” The passage of...Read More
Collaborative law groups in the news: The Cincinnati Inquirer reports on groups in Cincy and Northern Kentucky. The Capital Online (Annapolis, MD) “Breakin’ up is always hard to do, but a movement is underway to make the divorce process a little more palatable and a lot less messy.”Read More
The second annual list of Jefferson County, Kentucky Delinquent Child Support Obligors appeared in the Courier-Journal Sunday, August 13th, as an insert which we haven’t yet found online. This year’s list contains the names of 936 individuals who, as of July 17th, have not made a child support payment for 6 months or longer and...Read More
“We generally impose a public reprimand when a sexual relationship develops during an attorney-client relationship if the affair is legal and consensual and has not compromised client interests,” the Ohio Supreme Court ruled Wednesday, publicly reprimanding divorce lawyer David Engler. He had sex two times with the client, withdrew, and gave her all her money...Read More
November 1, 2006: Save the date. The Kentucky Collaborative Family Network is hosting a collaborative family law training featuring national gurus, Pauline Tessler and Peggy Thompson. Details to follow.Read More
Mediator Blah, Blah is a consistently delightful blog for mediators, yet often very substantive. In its posting on Heuristic theory it mentions “in passing the need to understand common heuristic theory such as – anchoring and adjustment, availability, self-serving evaluations, framing, status quo bias, contrast effects, and reactive devaluation.”Read More
Law – Washington Post editorial provides clarity on Vermont-Virginia dispute is the headline from the Indiana Law Blog.”A Washington Post editorial today cuts to the essence of the Vermont-Virginia visitation dispute. A paragraph: As the Vermont Supreme Court understood, this dispute isn’t about whether Virginia is bound to honor same-sex unions.Read More
A Kentucky State Government press release sent after the first meeting of the committee studying “quick trigger” adoptions announces it will meet monthly and possibly recommend legislation in 2007. It is good news that the 12 member panel will personally be headed by The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services Cabinet Secretary Mark D....Read More
Mark Sullivan advises us, “You can now read, review, download all the materials in the most recent Legal Assistance Course given at The Army JAG School in Charlottesville by going to Legal Assistance.” Click TJAGLCS Publications, then Legal Assistance and select May ’06 course book.Read More