Law – Washington Post editorial provides clarity on Vermont-Virginia dispute is the headline from the Indiana Law Blog.”A Washington Post editorial today cuts to the essence of the Vermont-Virginia visitation dispute. A paragraph: As the Vermont Supreme Court understood, this dispute isn’t about whether Virginia is bound to honor same-sex unions.Read More
A Kentucky State Government press release sent after the first meeting of the committee studying “quick trigger” adoptions announces it will meet monthly and possibly recommend legislation in 2007. It is good news that the 12 member panel will personally be headed by The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services Cabinet Secretary Mark D....Read More
Mark Sullivan advises us, “You can now read, review, download all the materials in the most recent Legal Assistance Course given at The Army JAG School in Charlottesville by going to Legal Assistance.” Click TJAGLCS Publications, then Legal Assistance and select May ’06 course book.Read More
Same-sex adoptions are legal in Indiana, as Indiana Supreme Court declines to review an Indiana Court of Appeals decision. The Indiana Law Blog has an extensive report on the issue. Comment: In Kentucky we are reduced to encouraging our “brain drain” by advising clients to move across the river.Read More
The Vermont Supreme Court decided a jurisdictional custody dispute between partners to a Vermont civil union, which revolved around the Parental Kidnapping Protection Act and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act. The court rejected the argument that the federal Defense of Marriage Act might supersede either of those laws.Read More
Eleanor Garber, Jefferson Circuit Court, Family Division Judge is surprised and disappointed that Kentucky state funding has been eliminated for her cutting edge program designed to treat drug addicts so their children can be reunited with them, the Courier-Journal reports.Read More
“The Supreme Court of Canada sent a warning to divorced parents on Monday that they better come clean when their income goes up, or they could face sizable retroactive child support bills, ” reports the Family Law Prof Blog. “The Supreme Court stopped short of ordering a duty to disclose salary increases automatically, but the...Read More
The first meeting of the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services’ panel on adoption is scheduled for next week. The meeting will be from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 7, in the music room of the Berry Hill Mansion, 700 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY. The meeting is open to the public. The...Read More
“The Supreme Court of Massachusetts held that the trial court’s decision was not an abuse of discretion. The court cited a number of authorities from other states, and a number of law review articles on the subject, along with the ALI Principles. The court observed that:Read More
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