“For the next five years, Congress is setting aside up to $100 million a year to promote marriage and $50 million a year to produce committed fathers. This year’s allotment goes out before Sept. 30. Supporters say that if the government can get more low-income parents to tie the knot and help them work through...Read More
New Headache For Homeowners: Inflated Appraisals: Rosy Valuations, Common In Boom, Now Haunt Sellers; It’s Pay-the-Piper Time is the story by James R. Hagerty and Ruth Simon in the WALL STREET JOURNAL, Weekend Edition July 22, 2006; Page A1Read More
Updates in Michigan Family Law blog nicely digests and links to the Roe v. Wade For Men 6th Circuit decision that was rendered this week, which rejected the theory as frivolous. We reported on this pending case in March, link here.Read More
Scott Furkin, General Counsel, Administrative Office of the Courts, Kentucky, explains the confusion over the implementation of HB424 in a letter to be published next month in the Louisville Bar Briefs. You can read it Download hb424expain.pdf, now.Read More
The Kentucky Academy of Trial Attorneys has formed its Domestic Law Section, per the following email message I received from Mary Volkerding, its Membership Director: “To all interested in Joining KATA’s Domestic Law Section:Read More
OFFERS IN COMPROMISE ARE NOW MORE TAXING: New Federal Law Requires Down Payment With Offer in Compromise Submission; 20% Down Payment or First Installment Required; Source: Family Law Taxation Blog.The new law applies to Offers in Compromise submitted after July 16, 2006.Read More
AAML President-Elect, Guy Ferraro is cited in a Concord Monitor Online article, as American’s attachment to their pets filters into the divorce arena. The St. Petersburg Times reports on pending cases that are attempting to test pets being treated merely as divisible marital property.Read More
Settle it Now Negotiation Blog posted “Professor Robert Cialdini’s Influence has become a classic in the science and practice of persuasion. Here are his six basic principles of powerful persuasion.” I like what I am seeing on Victoria Pynchon’s blawg and her Settle it Now Mediation Blog. I have added both her blogs to our...Read More
“OK, Let’s Tackle This Unhappy Lawyer Thing” is the title of a posting in the Settle It Now Negotiation Blog. “Look around your law firm. Are the transactional lawyers actually having more fun putting deals together than are the litigators tearing them apart? We might learn a thing or two from them. Take a tax...Read More
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