The Lexington Herald-Leader published AP coverage of the Nevada judge who was shot earlier this month. “Family Court Judge Chuck Weller, shot by a man who witnesses said was angered by the handling of his divorce, turned his first public appearance since the shooting into a plea to make family courts a less confrontational place.”...Read More
As client handouts go, The AAML’s Stepping Back From Anger is the best for divorcing parents. The brochure is available for purchase at a nominal cost ($1 per pamphlet) online.Read More
Online Guide to Mediation reports that “Appreciative Intelligence” author Carol Metzker has posted at Idealawg, “where you can read more about this innovative approach to tackling difficult problems.”Read More
Online Guide to Mediation is saying the nicest things about us. ” I’ve described this excellent blog as one which offers “lucidly written, intelligent analysis” of legal issues, and I stand by that. This blog consistently delivers the goods. Although its Louisville-based author Diana Skaggs tracks Kentucky divorce and family law, her blog has a...Read More
The Arizona Family Law Blog reports and links to a 9th Circuit case ruling on the constitutional liberty interests a noncustodial parent has to the care and companionship to a child. Update: Case digest from the Family Law Prof Blog.Read More
Great news from the Kentucky Law Blog! The Kentucky Academy of Trial Attorneys is forming a Domestic Law Section. The organizational meeting will be July 11, 2006, 9:30 am at KATA headquarters. This section will fill a badly needed void in the professional development of family lawyers in Kentucky. No other family law organization has...Read More
Collaborative Counselors, ABA Journal, June,2006 discusses Collaborative law, and notes its greatest growth in the family law context. The most controversial aspect of collaborative practice is that if either party elects to go to court, both attorneys are disqualified. “Ultimately, as one of the parties, I can decide not to settle. I can choose to...Read More
The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet was presented by Carole A. Levitt and Mark E. Rosch, authors of a book by the same title, at the Louisville Bar Association last week. Their website,, has a number of online articles and has an email update. Even though the duo gave a similar seminar in Louisville...Read More
Valerie Honeycutt Spears wrote a detailed summary in the Herald-Leader of this week’s legislative hearing in Frankfort on premature termination of parental rights.Read More
LawReader is now posting Kentucky Court of Appeals and Supreme Court decisions and a synopsis within hours of release. You must subscribe to access the full opinion and a complete digest, but the price is reasonable, especially in view of the numerous legal research tools it offers. Accessing the unpublished cases will likely become important...Read More
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