As you will notice, this blog has a new name, as our content has expanded beyond Louisville and Kentucky. In the process of many behind-the-scene upgrades, our old feeds failed. Please resubscribe (or subscribe if you haven’t already) to the RSS feed. There is a new URL, too:, but the old URLs still work...Read More
Posted by Michelle Eisenmenger Mapes I have now been back in Kentucky for just under two weeks, having returned on May 27th from an eight day seminar in Houston, Texas. I think I am almost fully recovered. A friend of mine has referred to this trip a few times as a “vacation,” and each time...Read More
The mindmapping tool is discussed, and a link provided to a demo, in Online Mediation. Denver’s Steve Harhai presented mindmapping at a LBA/AAML seminar a few years ago.The possibilities of mapping case information and issues are endless, and at the time I thought it was something we should explore. Sorry to say, other new, cool...Read More
From the Indiana Law Blog, “Electing Judges Is Not Wise”, which links to an interview with former Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. She’s preaching to the choir here.Read More
Online Guide to Mediation reports a new alternative dispute method (can this be a joke?) used by a federal court in Florida. The order directs that “counsel shall engage in one (1) game of “rock, paper, scissors.” The winner of this engagement shall be entitled to select the location for the 30(b)(6) deposition to be...Read More
The UK Office on Continuing Legal Education has just published the first edition of Kentucky Domestic Relations Practice, and it looks to be a beauty. Its 16 chapters are authored by many different Kentucky family and divorce law attorneys and judges. We are fortunate to have it hot off the press because Michelle Eisenmenger Mapes...Read More
The conversation across the pond is fascinating, as the UK considers cohabitants’ rights upon dissolution. You’ll enjoy the Leeds Today article which opens with a quote from a spouse in a 78 year marriage, “We rarely see eye to eye and we have an argument every day.” It continues, “The proposed changes in law mark...Read More
Gregg Herman announces in The Family Law News Blog a first ever joint conference between the American Psychological Association and The American Bar Association to be held in 2008. We’ve added it to our roll of upcoming national seminars. It will probably be a long time before any registration details are announced, but we will...Read More
Four posts on interesting decisions from the Family Law Prof Blog: Income Withholding Not Subject to Limitations Period for Actions to Enforce Judgments Court May Not Grant Blanket Orders Sealing Divorce RecordsRead More