
Reuseable blue masks
The Kentucky Supreme Court has issued an order regarding parenting time and Covid-19. Administrative Order 2020-14 provides guidance to parties with custody and parenting time orders.
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Child on Father's Shoulders
Layman v. Bohanon   Mother and Father divorced, entering into a settlement agreement providing for joint custody and equally shared parenting time. Later, the parties orally agreed to modify their parenting time arrangement due to a change in Father’s work schedule. Two years after the oral agreement to modify the parenting time arrangement, Father moved...
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Panda Puzzle
Garvin v. Krieger, et al.   On remand from the Kentucky Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals was to determine whether Grandfather and long-term Girlfriend were Child’s de facto custodians. In Krieger v. Garvin, 584 S.W.3d 727 (Ky. 2019), the Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals by holding that KRS 403.270(1) is broad enough...
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Hall v. Smith   Hall petitioned for a protective order on behalf of herself and Hall and Smith’s two minor children, alleging that Hall was once married to Smith; that they have two children in common; that Smith is controlling and manipulative; that Smith has been stalking Hall; that there was physical abuse at the...
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Meeting 4
When discussing arbitration with your legal counsel, you will want to talk through the potential advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of divorce law arbitration include: The ability of participants to decide who will be their judge. Parties can select an arbitrator with particular expertise, such as business valuation, retirement plans, tax, nonmarital tracing issues, mental health,...
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USA Flag
Santise v. Santise   Mother and Father were divorced in 2011, incorporating a marital settlement agreement into their decree whereby the parties had joint custody of the minor children, Father was designated as the primary residential custodian, Mother received reasonable parenting time, and Father was allowed to relocate with the children. Afterward, Father relocated with...
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J. v. Cabinet for Health and Family Services, et al.   The Department of Community Based Services was notified that Mother’s children were discovered unattended in a hotel room. Mother had entrusted her children with a friend who left them unattended since 10 p.m. the night before. Mother was in Missouri and stated she did...
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Jar of Change
Nienaber v. Kentucky, ex rel. Mercer The Commonwealth filed a motion for show cause order, alleging Mother had failed to pay her child support obligation. Mother admitted she had not made a payment since September 2017. She had quit her job and was unable to find other employment, was incarcerated from around the time she...
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Alternative Dispute Resolutions (“ADR”) include divorce mediation, arbitration, and collaborative family law. Kentucky Courts regularly order family law cases to mediation, but arbitration is used much less frequently. What is arbitration? The American Bar Association describes arbitration as “a private process where disputing parties agree that one or several individuals can make a decision about...
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Childress v. Hart   Mother relocated to Jefferson County from Hardin County, enrolling Child in a new school and various extracurricular activities. Due to the relocation, Father filed a motion requesting (1) Child be enrolled in an elementary school in Hardin County; (2) Child reside in Hardin County; (3) to enforce the previous parenting schedule;...
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