
Stylish 50+ woman working from home.
JUDE WEBER V. THOMAS FRANCIS LAMBE The trial court awarded maintenance based on its finding that Wife’s reasonable living expenses totaled $5,800 monthly, including $1,440 of the children’s living expenses. Accordingly, Husband was ordered to pay maintenance. Husband was also ordered to pay an additional $15,000 for wife’s attorney fees based on an imbalance in...
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CALHOUN V. WOOD Appellant appealed an Interpersonal Protective Order (“IPO”) arguing the trial’s courts finding that stalking occurred was not supported by the evidence. Although the IPO had expired rendering the appeal moot, the Court of Appeals held that as IPOs are almost identical to DVOs the case meets the “collateral consequences” exception to mootness...
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HARVEY V. ROBINSON Wife and Husband’s divorce was finalized in 2002 at which time Wife was awarded the marital home and property valued at $856,000. At that time, Husband was ordered to return the landscape around the home to an appropriate residential landscape, as he had business equipment on the property. There is no dispute...
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Grandpa and Baby
NEIN V. COLUMBIA, ET AL. Grandparents had frequent contact with grandson, acting as his primary caregiver until Mother slowly cut off their time with grandson completely. Grandparents filed a Petition for Grandparent Visitation and the trial court awarded them grandparent’s visitation rights. Mother appealed first arguing that the trial court abused its discretion in awarding...
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Child and Colorful Blocks
VARNEY V. BINGHAM Unmarried Father and Mother were involved in a long, contentious custody proceeding. Ultimately, Father was awarded sole custody of the child. In supporting its decision, the Trial Court cited Mother’s past drug use and criminal history as “evidence of a weak mental condition that could negatively affect her ability to parent.” Mother...
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Mother and son in bedroom spend some quality time
JONES V. JONES, ET AL. The Trial Court held that Aunt met the standards for a de facto custodian and awarded joint custody to Father and Aunt, imposing a child support obligation against Father without consideration of Aunt’s income and requiring Father to pay a portion of Aunt’s attorney’s fees. Father appealed as to custody,...
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KEETON V. KEITH Mother brought a motion asking court to settle a dispute over schooling between Mother and Father. The Trial Court entered an order pursuant to KRS 159.010 placing the child in Mother’s school of choice. The Court of Appeals vacated the order holding that KRS 159.010 “merely directs placement of a child in...
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Flowing hourglass on wooden table; Twilight blue
THOMAS K. STONE V. PENNIE DUBARRY (NOW DETORRES), ET AL. Wife signed an employment contract with attorney which gave him a lien on all of her assets. Parties subsequently entered into a Marital Settlement Agreement which provided Husband would buyout Wife’s interest and receive marital home. It further provided each would pay his or her...
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Man signing contract, black man hand putting signature on official document, biracial clients customers couple make purchase or sign prenuptial agreement concept
Financial disclosure forms are required to be filed in divorce and separation cases in Louisville and across the state of Kentucky pursuant to family court rules. It is common that your husband or wife may file the form incorrectly as many couples do not have the correct understanding of what items should be disclosed. Kentucky...
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Gavel and Scale
One of the common questions asked by a husband or wife going through a divorce is whether a court appearance is required if neither side is contesting the divorce. Family courts see dozens of parents and spouses fighting about custody, child support, how to divide property, and other issues on a weekly basis. The reason...
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