
RUTH ANN SADLER V. BARBARA LOIS VAN BUSKIRK Husband died many years after his divorce, but despite his remarriage, he had not removed his former wife as the beneficiary of his IRA. In the parties’ marital settlement agreement they had agreed to make “no claim upon any interest owned by the other, now or in...
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CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES V. J.M.G., ET AL. In the midst of a lengthy dependency, neglect, and abuse, case the family court held CHFS in contempt for failure to file the required case progress report per KRS 620.240 and failure to immediately obtain a pretrial conference date per FCRPP 34(1). The Supreme Court...
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Stylish 50+ woman working from home.
CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES V. S.H,; V.N.M.J.R.N., A CHILD, ET AL. The family court held a termination of parental rights hearing allowing a social worker to testify on behalf of CFHS with no prior notice to Mother. Mother objected arguing FCRPP 7(1) applied to a termination of parental rights hearing and she should...
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Dad abd cgukd
JONES-SWAN v. LUTHER Biological parents voluntarily placed children in Appellants’ care during a custody dispute in which biological father was seeking sole custody in an action for dissolution of marriage. Father was granted sole custody of the children. Appellants returned children to biological father and filed a petition requesting status as de facto custodians under...
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PAISLEY V. TALLEY An unmarried couple owned a home in joint names with a right of survivorship. Boyfriend made the majority of payments on the home mortgage and down payment. The couple’s relationship ended and the boyfriend filed a complaint asking the court to divide the equity in the home in proportion to each parties’...
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Family Washing Hands
LAMBERT V. LAMBERT Maternal grandfather who resided in Kentucky took possession of grandchildren whose mother resided in Pennsylvania, after mother took the children for a visit and never returned to retrieve the children. Grandfather filed a dependency, neglect, and abuse proceeding and was granted temporary custody of the children. Grandfather subsequently filed a petition for...
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Shot of a confident senior woman looking thoughtful outdoors
GLODO v..EVANS, ET AL. Grandparents assumed care of children, with the exception of a special needs child, after biological mother and biological father were both incarcerated. The special needs child was placed with friend of grandparents equipped to deal with his special medical needs. Grandparents filed motion to be designated as de facto custodians and...
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RYAN V. RYAN Mother filed a motion to suspend father’s summer visitation time after daughter reported smelling marijuana in the home. Father submitted to a urine test which was negative for all substances, and a hair follicle test which tested positive for marijuana. There was no mechanism for determining the date of marijuana use. At...
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Mom and child
 S. E.A. v.  R. J.G. Child was temporarily removed from Mother’s custody in a DNA action. Father filed separate custody action in which mother stipulated to dependency for the purposes of temporary custody. At a subsequent DNA hearing, the family court determined the child should remain in father’s temporary custody with time sharing to be...
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Empty Room
RIEHLE V. RIEHLE Husband, previously adjudicated to be disabled and incompetent, filed for divorce from his wife, who was also his guardian and conservator. The trial court entered an order dismissing husband’s Petition for Dissolution, as “an incompetent person cannot bring or maintain an action for dissolution of marriage” in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Husband...
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